GULEA Mihaela

Team Leader - Research Director CNRS

Faculté de Pharmacie
Bâtiment F, 2ème étage
Pièce F204
74, route du Rhin
67401 Illkirch-Graffenstaden

ORCID : 0000-0002-2945-0078


Mihaela GULEA graduated in 1990 from Engineering School of Chemistry (Bucharest, Romania). She moved then to France and obtained in 1997 the PhD degree from the University of Rouen, having worked under the supervision of Prof. Noel Collignon on the synthesis of chiral phosphonates. She started working in thiochemistry during her postdoctoral stay with Dr. Serge Masson in Caen and then she worked in radical chemistry with Profs. Max Malacria and Louis Fensterbank in Paris. In 1999 she was recruited as a CNRS researcher in Caen. She obtained the habilitation to supervise research (HDR) in 2004, then moved to Strasbourg in 2012, and was promoted Research Director at the CNRS in 2016.
Her research interests include heterochemistry (S, P), heterocycles synthesis, cycloadditions, domino reactions, and metal-catalysis including asymmetric versions.

Scientific production (until December 2024): 88 publications,chapters,proceedings


Selected Publications

Research Papers :
1) Pyridinedithioesters as Heterodienophiles: Application to the Synthesis of Aprikalim, Bastin, R.; Albadri, H.; Gaumont, A-C.; Gulea, M. Org. Lett. 20068, 1033-1036.
2) Tandem Double-Cross-Coupling/Hydrothiolation Reaction of 2-Sulfenyl Benzimidazoles with Boronic Acids. A. Basilio Lopes, M. Choury, P. Wagner, M. Gulea, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 5943-5947.
3) Hetero-Diels-Alder Click Reaction of Dithioesters for a Catalyst-Free Indirect 18F-Radiolabelling of Peptides. T. Maujean, P. Marchand, P. Wagner, S. Riché, F. Boisson, N. Girard, D. Bonnet, and M. Gulea, Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 11151-11154.
4) Access to 1,4-Thiazepanes via Gold-Catalyzed 7-exo-dig Thioallylation and their Cycloisomerization to Bicyclic [4.3.1] Bridgehead-Olefinic Systems. M. Choury, P. Wagner, C. Rognan, G. Blond, M. Gulea, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2022, 364, 3238-3244.
5) Domino Doyle-Kirmse/Claisen-Thioimidate Rearrangements: Access to 2-Aminobuta-1,3-diene Derivatives of Benzazole-2-thiones. C. Rognan, P. Locquet, R. Pertschi, N. Girard, M. Gulea, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2024, 366, 4078 – 4083.

Reviews and Chapters :
1) An Overview of the Chemistry of 2-Thiazolines, Gaumont, A-C.; Gulea, M.; Levillain, J. Chem. Rev2009109, 1371–1401.
2) Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Organic Thiocyanates, Castanheiro, T.; Suffert, J.; Donnard M.; Gulea M. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2016, 45, 494-505.
3) Pd and Cu-Mediated Domino Reactions for the Synthesis of Sulfur Heterocycles. Donnard, M.; Castanheiro, T.; Gulea, M., In Targets in Heterocyclic Systems; (Attanasi, O. A.; Spinelli, D., Eds.), 2017, Vol. 21, pp 254-276.
4) Progress in the Chemistry of PhosphorothioatesM. Gulea, In Advances in Organic Synthesis (Ed. Atta-ur-Rahman), 2018, vol. 12, chapter 3, pp117-150.

Research supervision
11 Doctoral students

2023-2026   Laurine Tual (co-supervision with Dr. G. Blond and Dr. R. Pertschi)
2022-2025   Charlou Rognan (co-supervision with Dr. N. Girard)
2019-2022   Timothé Maujean (co-supervision with Dr. D. Bonnet and Dr. N. Girard)
2018-2021   Mickael Choury (co-supervision with Dr. G. Blond)
2013-2016   Thomas Castanheiro (co-supervision with Dr. M. Donnard)
2010-2013   Flavie Peudru (co-supervision with Dr. V. Reboul)
2008-2011   Hélène Dentel
2006-2009   Guillaume Mercey (co-supervision with Dr. J. Levillain)
2005-2008   Alexander Betz (co-supervision with Pr. A-C. Gaumont)
2002-2005   Matthieu Hamel (co-supervision with Dr. M. Vazeux)
2000-2003   Isabelle Abrunhosa (co-supervision with Dr. S. Masson)

5 Postdoctoral researchers
Lorenzo Serusi (Italy, 2023-2025), Alexandra Basilio Lopes (Bresil, 2017-2019); Mickael Denancé (ATER, University of Caen, 2007-2008); Zaira Dominguez (Mexico, 2003-2004); Montserrat Heras (Spain, 1999-2000)